Monthly Archives: August 2020
August 15, 2020
What is S-23?
S-23 is a selective androgen receptor modulators (SARM). S-23 increases lean muscle mass, decreases fat mass and was developed originally as a potential male birth control.
How does S-23 work?
S-23 is simlar to other SARMs in that it binds to Androgen receptors in the body and YK-11 has potent uscle building effects.
Is S-23 prohibited in sport?
S-23 is on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List as a Metabolic Modulator.
What is Stenabolic S-23 often stacked with?
S-23 is often stacked with RAD140 and Ibutamoren in bulking cycles. It also can be swapped in instead of S-4 in cutting and weight loss stacks.
What are the known side effects of S-23?
There are no known side effects for S-23 however if you experience any discomfort during the
August 15, 2020
What is YK-11?
YK-11 is a partial androgen receptor agonist, it can significantly increase lean muscle mass and strength beyond training and nutrition alone. It stimulates follistatin production, a potent myostatin inhibitor.
How does YK-11 work?
YK-11 is simlar to other SARMs in that it binds to Androgen receptors in the body and YK-11 has potent uscle building effects.
Is YK-11 prohibited in sport?
YK-11 is on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List as a Metabolic Modulator.
What is Stenabolic YK-11 often stacked with?
YK-11 is often stacked with RAD140 in bulking cycles.
What are the known side effects of YK-11?
There are no known side effects for YK-11 however if you experience any discomfort during the taking of YK-11 it is advisable to stop using