Kaffeine Kick: Taking your workout to the next level

More Performance, More Results
It is no secret that if you are looking to maximize your true muscular potential, then your weight training workouts need to be pretty dam intense. Your job, once you hit those cold iron weights, is to push your body to its absolute limits. If you let your body off easily, you simply won’t force it to adapt, and by adapt, I simply mean getting stronger and bigger! As I always like to say, if you always leave the gym in the exact same state you entered, you did not train hard enough. The reality is, muscle growth does not come easy. There is a cost, and that cost is energy. Muscle is metabolically expensive to the body requiring a ton of energy for its general maintenance and function. If you want this muscle, you are going to have to give your body a dammed good reason to develop more of it! Prepare to battle with your body. To build more muscle, you need to train for it, and that means, lifting heavy, lifting with purpose, lifting a lot and, lifting like your life depended on it. If you can do this, then you are well on your way to building your dream physique.
You Need The energy!
Ok, so you need to train hard to force your body to build more muscle. But, training hard doesn’t just happen out of thin air. You need a ‘special’ something! That special something is energy. Well, I can tell you for certain, without sufficient energy to fuel those intense weight training sessions you are going to need, it becomes impossible to train hard enough to force your body to grow. Think of energy as simply the catalyst that makes all this magic work. Once you have the goal and perfect weight training plan in place, its simply a matter of giving your body the fuel it needs to perform at its peak and develop the muscle mass you want. But, the important question is: how do you supply your body with the required energy it needs to perform? Well, food is one answer, yet it is not always convenient and, it can sometimes be difficult (depending on your current diet) to get all the necessary ingredients (and in the correct amounts) required to optimize your bodies energy production. Food can certainly supply everything you need, but usually not in the quantities needed to obtain peak exercise performance. But fear not, because this is where Peak Body’s KaffeinKick comes to your rescue!
Peak Body’s Kaffeine Kick: Optimizing Your Energy Production
The great thing about kaffeine kick is that it contains everything needed to optimize your bodies energy production capabilities. The result being that your body has everything it needs to optimally perform. Caffeine: the hallmark of Peak Body’s kaffeine kick. We drink it all the time and I think we can all agree that a single cup can give us a nice little energy boost, right? The problem is, for exercise, our bodies energy demands sky rocket. Its needs more! Yes, you could drink more cups of coffee to meet these increased energy demands, but this is not always feasible, not to mention, you might end up spending more time in the bathroom than actually on the gym floor! Kaffeine kick delivers 200mg of caffeine per 50g serving. It certainly packs a punch when it comes to its caffeine content! Kaffeine kick also contains L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine helps form noradrenaline and aids in its release in the sympathetic nervous system (Belza, 2009). In other words, it gets you fired up, alert and highly focused. Just what you need when It comes to preparing your body for the lifting of those heavy-ass weights. Creatine: Of course, we can’t forget about this beauty! If there is one thing I can say for certain, is that creatine should be in everyone’s pre-workout energy boosting arsenal. Without getting too technical, creatine simply acts as, what I like to call, an ‘energy currency store’ for your muscles in the form of phosphate molecules. When phosphate molecules combine with ADP (within your muscles), energy becomes available for your muscles to rapidly use. By having enough creatine in your system before your workout, you can be confident that your muscles will be able to operate at maximum force production efficiency. More gains! Lastly, we can’t forget about L-Taurine. L-taurine has been found to exhibit a range of antioxidant and metabolic effects in the body (Lourenco and Camilo, 2002). Ultimately, L-taurine can help your body on the way to maximum recovery ensuring you always maintain those hard-hitting workouts.
Workout Like You Mean It!
I always like to say: train with purpose, fire and intensity. Train like you mean it and train with ambition! Ultimately, when you step foot in that gym, you have to be prepared for battle. Your body won’t let you win easily. If you want that muscle, you are going to have to fight for it. While you might have the perfect training plan at hand, you are going to need an abundance of energy to execute that plan to its fullest. Having the needed energy reserve at the ready is not always easy, especially if you lead a busy and hectic lifestyle! But, when there is a will, there is a way and Peak Body has the way. With kaffeine kick, you can be certain that you will always have the energy when you need it most.
Article written by Stephen Moreton.