Now in Store: Laxogenin, The Plant Steroid
July 06, 2020

What is Laxogenin?
Laxogenin, also known as "plant steroids" is a natural chemical found in plants. Laxogenin isn't a SARM, it is a naturally derived dietary supplement. Laxogenin is a versatile compound that can help an athlete with lean muscle mass, increase performance and muscle recovery.
Laxogenin - The Plant Steriod is here!
- Laxogenin tends to kick in very quickly, meaning its ideal for anyone looking to build muscle and strength quickly.
- Its an effective alternative to steriods & prohormones because doesn't alter the users natural hormone balance .
- Can help to build mucles & burns fat stores
To find out more, and to purchase Laxogenin, visit our store page.