In the world of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), Andarine (S-4) and Ostarine (MK-2866) are often compared for their versatility and effectiveness in promoting muscle retention and fat loss. Both compounds are considered milder options, making them attractive to beginners and those looking for steady, sustainable gains. However, they have distinct characteristics and use-cases that set them apart. This article explores the key differences between Andarine and Ostarine to help you determine which one aligns better with your fitness goals.

Andarine (S-4): The Muscle-Hardening and Fat-Cutting Agent

Primarily Known For: Cutting, Fat Loss, and Muscle Definition

Andarine, or S-4, is a versatile SARM known for its ability to help users achieve a lean, hard physique while retaining muscle mass during fat loss phases. It was originally developed to treat conditions like muscle wasting and osteoporosis, but in the fitness world, it’s favored for its ability to enhance muscle definition and aid in cutting cycles.

Key Use-Cases:

  • Cutting Phases: Andarine excels during cutting phases, as it helps users retain muscle mass while burning fat. It’s known for its ability to create a “dry” look, making muscles appear more defined without water retention.
  • Muscle Hardening: Andarine is particularly popular for its muscle-hardening effects, giving users a dense, chiseled appearance, which is ideal for bodybuilders looking to enhance their physique without bulking up.
  • Strength Maintenance: Even though it’s more commonly used for cutting, Andarine can also help users maintain or slightly increase strength, which can be beneficial during periods of calorie restriction.

Ostarine (MK-2866): The All-Round Muscle Preserver

Primarily Known For: Muscle Preservation, Joint Health, and Body Recomposition

Ostarine, or MK-2866, is often hailed as the most versatile and well-rounded SARM. It’s widely used in both bulking and cutting cycles due to its ability to preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss. Ostarine is also known for its joint-supporting benefits, which makes it a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders who are recovering from injuries or looking to maintain joint health during heavy training.

Key Use-Cases:

  • Muscle Preservation During Cutting: Ostarine’s main strength lies in its ability to help users retain lean muscle mass during calorie deficits, making it ideal for cutting cycles or body recomposition.
  • Body Recomposition: Ostarine is effective for those looking to lose fat while simultaneously building or preserving muscle. It’s a great option for people who want to improve their overall physique without bulking up significantly.
  • Joint Health: One of Ostarine’s unique benefits is its positive impact on joint health and recovery. It helps to reduce joint pain, making it ideal for athletes or individuals recovering from injuries.

How They Compare:

  • Muscle Growth and Preservation: Both Andarine and Ostarine are excellent for muscle preservation, but Ostarine is generally seen as the more well-rounded option. It’s a popular choice for those who want to preserve muscle during cutting cycles or achieve body recomposition (losing fat while maintaining or gaining lean muscle). Andarine, on the other hand, is better suited for users who want to emphasize muscle hardening and definition.
  • Cutting and Fat Loss: While both SARMs are effective for fat loss, Andarine is particularly prized for its ability to enhance muscle definition and create a “dry” look during cutting phases. Ostarine helps with fat loss as well but is more focused on maintaining muscle rather than creating sharp muscle definition.
  • Strength Gains: Andarine is known to help users maintain strength during a calorie deficit, which is particularly beneficial in cutting phases. Ostarine also helps maintain strength, but it’s more renowned for preserving muscle mass than boosting strength significantly.
  • Muscle Hardening: If muscle hardening and achieving a lean, sculpted appearance is the goal, Andarine is the better choice. Its ability to reduce water retention and promote a dry, chiseled look is unmatched, making it ideal for bodybuilders prepping for competitions or anyone looking to achieve a more defined physique.
  • Side Effects: Both SARMs are considered milder than others like RAD-140 or S-23, but Andarine has a unique potential side effect—vision disturbances. Some users report temporary vision issues such as a yellow tint or difficulty seeing in low light while using Andarine. This tends to go away once the compound is discontinued. Ostarine, on the other hand, is generally well-tolerated, with fewer reported side effects, making it a safer option for beginners or those more cautious about side effects.
  • Versatility: Ostarine is often viewed as the more versatile SARM because it works well for both bulking and cutting phases. It provides steady, lean muscle growth in bulking phases and preserves muscle mass during cuts. Andarine is more specialized for cutting, with its focus on fat loss, muscle hardening, and achieving a dry, defined look.

Which One Should You Choose?

For Cutting and Muscle Definition: If your primary goal is to cut fat and achieve a lean, hard, and defined physique, Andarine is the better option. Its muscle-hardening effects and ability to create a dry, aesthetic look make it ideal for cutting cycles or pre-competition preparation.
For Muscle Preservation and Body Recomposition: If you’re looking for a more balanced SARM that can help with both cutting and bulking, Ostarine is the better choice. It’s great for body recomposition, helping users lose fat while maintaining or slightly increasing muscle mass, and it comes with the added benefit of promoting joint health.
For Beginners: Ostarine is generally considered a safer, beginner-friendly option due to its lower risk of side effects and its more balanced approach to muscle growth and fat loss. Andarine, while effective, may be more suited for experienced users who are specifically aiming for enhanced muscle definition.


Both Andarine and Ostarine are highly effective SARMs with unique strengths. Andarine is the go-to for cutting and achieving a lean, defined physique, while Ostarine is the all-rounder, providing muscle preservation and fat loss with minimal side effects. Choosing between the two depends on your specific goals—whether you’re cutting, recomping, or maintaining overall health and performance. As always, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any SARMs cycle to ensure you make the safest choice for your body.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. The use of SARMs like Andarine and Ostarine may come with health risks and legal implications. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any performance-enhancing substances.