When it comes to powerful SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), two names consistently pop up in discussions for serious muscle growth and performance enhancement: S-23 and RAD-140 (Testolone). Both are known for their impressive anabolic effects, but their specific strengths, uses, and side effects differ. In this article, we’ll break down the key differences between S-23 and RAD-140, helping you determine which is better suited to your fitness goals.

S-23: The Ultra-Potent Muscle Builder

Primarily Known For: Intense Muscle Growth & Hardening Effects

S-23 is one of the most potent SARMs on the market, often likened to traditional anabolic steroids due to its strength. It’s highly anabolic, which makes it effective for building muscle mass, but it also comes with a higher risk of suppression (the body’s natural testosterone production being significantly lowered).

Key Use-Cases:

  • Muscle Building and Strength: S-23’s potent anabolic properties make it extremely effective for muscle growth and strength gains. Users report dense, dry muscle gains with less water retention compared to other SARMs.
  • Muscle Hardening: One of the unique benefits of S-23 is its muscle-hardening effect, which gives muscles a defined, dense look. This makes it ideal for those who want to add serious size while maintaining a lean, hard appearance.
  • Fat Loss: S-23 also has fat-burning properties, making it useful for cutting cycles. Its ability to preserve lean muscle while promoting fat loss helps users achieve a shredded physique.

RAD-140 (Testolone): The Strength and Performance Powerhouse

Primarily Known For: Muscle Mass & Strength Gains

RAD-140, also known as Testolone, is one of the most popular SARMs due to its strong muscle-building effects with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids. It’s widely used by bodybuilders and athletes for bulking and gaining strength.

Key Use-Cases:

  • Rapid Muscle Growth: RAD-140 is effective for building significant amounts of lean muscle. It works similarly to testosterone, helping users gain muscle mass and strength quickly.
  • Strength Enhancement: RAD-140 is favored for its ability to increase strength, allowing users to lift heavier weights and perform more intense workouts. This makes it popular among those looking to enhance athletic performance.
  • Fat Loss While Bulking: While primarily used for muscle growth, RAD-140 has a secondary benefit of promoting fat loss, making it a good option for those wanting to stay lean while bulking up.

Side-by-Side Comparison:

  • Muscle Growth: Both S-23 and RAD-140 are effective for muscle growth, but S-23 is generally considered more potent. If your primary goal is to build muscle mass as fast and aggressively as possible, S-23 may offer more dramatic results. RAD-140, while also very powerful, provides substantial gains but with a more balanced approach, often with fewer risks.
  • Strength Gains: Both compounds will give you a boost in strength, but RAD-140 is particularly known for rapidly increasing strength alongside muscle mass. S-23 is no slouch in this department, but its strength effects are often accompanied by more of a focus on hardening and muscle definition.
  • Muscle Hardening: S-23 shines in creating that dense, hardened muscle appearance, making it popular for users who want a more chiseled look. RAD-140, while effective for size and strength, doesn’t have the same muscle-hardening effects as S-23, which focuses more on bulk.
  • Suppression and Side Effects: S-23 is notorious for its strong suppressive effects on natural testosterone production, often requiring a more aggressive post-cycle therapy (PCT) compared to other SARMs, including RAD-140. RAD-140 also suppresses testosterone, but generally to a lesser extent. This means users of S-23 will need to be more cautious about hormone management and recovery post-cycle.
  • Fat Loss: Both S-23 and RAD-140 can help with fat loss, but S-23 tends to have a stronger fat-burning effect. This makes it a great option for cutting cycles, especially when the goal is to lose fat while retaining muscle and achieving a hard, lean physique.
  • Side Effects: As a more potent SARM, S-23 comes with a higher risk of side effects such as suppression, potential aggression, and negative impacts on libido. RAD-140, while still suppressive, tends to have a milder side effect profile, making it more user-friendly for those new to SARMs or looking for a less risky option.

Which One is Right for You?

For Maximum Muscle and Strength Gains: If your primary goal is to build as much muscle as possible and you’re experienced with SARMs or performance-enhancing compounds, S-23 is the more potent choice. However, be prepared for stronger side effects, including greater testosterone suppression and a need for an intensive PCT.
For Balanced Muscle Growth and Strength with Fewer Side Effects: RAD-140 is ideal for users looking to build muscle and strength without the extreme suppression and potential side effects of S-23. It’s a safer option for most people, especially beginners or those who want to see significant gains without major hormonal disruption.
For Cutting and Muscle Definition: If your focus is on cutting fat while maintaining or even gaining muscle, S-23’s fat-burning and muscle-hardening properties make it an excellent choice. RAD-140 can also be used for cutting, but it is generally more focused on muscle gain.


Both S-23 and RAD-140 are powerful SARMs that can help users achieve impressive results in terms of muscle growth, strength, and fat loss. S-23 is the more potent of the two, making it a better option for advanced users seeking maximum gains and a defined, hard physique. RAD-140 offers a more balanced approach, delivering solid muscle and strength gains with fewer side effects, making it a safer option for most users. As always, understanding your goals and individual tolerance levels will guide you toward the best choice for your fitness journey.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. The use of SARMs like S-23 and RAD-140 can come with health risks and legal implications. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any performance-enhancing substances.