When it comes to maximizing muscle growth and strength, both YK-11 and LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) are among the most potent SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) available. Despite their similarities in promoting lean muscle mass, they differ significantly in their mechanisms of action, side effects, and specific use-cases. In this article, we’ll break down the key differences between YK-11 and LGD-4033 to help you choose the right one for your muscle-building goals.

YK-11: The Myostatin Inhibitor with Extreme Muscle-Building Potential

Primarily Known For: Myostatin Inhibition & Muscle Hypertrophy

YK-11 is a unique SARM with a dual mechanism of action. It not only binds to androgen receptors to promote muscle growth like other SARMs but also acts as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a protein that limits muscle growth, and by inhibiting it, YK-11 can potentially allow for muscle growth beyond natural limits.

Key Use-Cases:

  • Muscle Growth Beyond Normal Limits: YK-11’s primary draw is its ability to inhibit myostatin, which can unlock your body’s potential for significant muscle hypertrophy. This makes it ideal for advanced users aiming for extreme muscle growth.
  • Muscle Hardening: YK-11 is known to promote a hard, dry look in muscles, reducing water retention and creating a more defined, sculpted appearance, which is beneficial for bodybuilding competitions or cutting phases.
  • Bone Health: YK-11 may also improve bone strength by increasing the activity of protein kinase B, which promotes bone cell growth and differentiation, making it an added benefit for long-term bone health.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol): The Potent Bulking Agent

Primarily Known For: Lean Muscle Gains & Strength Increases

LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, is one of the most well-known SARMs for bulking due to its powerful anabolic properties. It is specifically designed to increase lean muscle mass and strength, making it a popular choice during bulking cycles.

Key Use-Cases:

  • Bulking Cycles: LGD-4033 is a favorite for bulking, as it helps users add significant lean muscle mass without the water retention associated with anabolic steroids. The gains are typically lean and sustainable.
  • Strength Gains: In addition to muscle mass, LGD-4033 provides significant strength improvements, allowing users to lift heavier weights and perform more intense workouts.
  • Muscle Preservation During Cuts: Although it’s commonly used for bulking, LGD-4033 can also be used to preserve muscle mass during cutting phases, making it versatile across different training goals.

Side-by-Side Comparison:

  • Mechanism of Action: YK-11 works as both a SARM and a myostatin inhibitor, making it unique in its ability to push muscle growth beyond normal limits. LGD-4033, while also a potent muscle-builder, works solely by binding to androgen receptors to promote lean muscle mass. If your goal is extreme muscle growth and you want to push your genetic potential, YK-11’s myostatin inhibition could give you the edge.
  • Muscle Growth: YK-11 is often considered more powerful in terms of extreme muscle growth potential due to its myostatin-blocking ability. It’s particularly favored by advanced users who are looking for more dramatic results. LGD-4033 is highly effective at promoting steady, lean muscle gains but doesn’t inhibit myostatin, meaning its results, while impressive, are more within the body’s natural limits.
  • Strength Gains: Both SARMs offer significant strength increases, but LGD-4033 may be more consistently effective for pure strength gains due to its strong anabolic properties. YK-11 also boosts strength, but its primary focus is pushing muscle hypertrophy beyond normal levels.
  • Muscle Hardening and Aesthetics: YK-11 has a notable advantage when it comes to muscle hardening and achieving a more sculpted, dry look. It’s often used during cutting phases to enhance muscle definition, while LGD-4033 is typically better suited for bulking due to its focus on lean mass gains without the extreme definition that YK-11 offers.
  • Fat Loss and Recomposition: Neither YK-11 nor LGD-4033 is primarily used for fat loss, but they can both contribute to body recomposition. YK-11’s muscle-building capabilities can lead to a leaner, more defined physique, while LGD-4033 is effective in preserving muscle mass during caloric deficits, helping users lose fat while retaining their gains.
  • Side Effects and Suppression: YK-11 is considered one of the more potent SARMs, and with its potency comes a higher likelihood of side effects, including stronger testosterone suppression. Users of YK-11 are more likely to require a robust post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormone levels. LGD-4033, while also suppressive, tends to have a milder side effect profile compared to YK-11, making it a safer option for those new to SARMs.
  • Bone Health: YK-11 has shown potential benefits for bone health, making it a good option for users looking to improve both muscle and bone density over the long term. LGD-4033 also has positive effects on bone density but lacks the direct myostatin-blocking benefits of YK-11.

Which One Should You Choose?

  • For Extreme Muscle Growth: If your primary goal is to push muscle growth beyond natural limits, YK-11’s myostatin inhibition gives it the edge. It’s best suited for experienced users looking for maximum hypertrophy and a sculpted, dry look.
  • For Bulking and Steady Muscle Gains: LGD-4033 is the better option for users seeking controlled, lean muscle growth with fewer side effects. It’s highly effective during bulking phases and is versatile enough to be used for cutting when muscle preservation is a priority.
  • For Beginners or Caution Around Side Effects: LGD-4033 is generally considered a safer choice for those new to SARMs or those who want significant muscle gains without the stronger side effects and testosterone suppression associated with YK-11.
  • For Cutting and Muscle Definition: YK-11 is the clear winner for users looking to achieve a lean, defined physique, especially during cutting phases where muscle hardening is the goal.


Both YK-11 and LGD-4033 are powerful SARMs with unique strengths. YK-11’s myostatin-inhibiting properties make it ideal for those seeking extreme muscle growth and definition, while LGD-4033 offers steady, lean muscle gains with a lower risk of side effects. Your choice between these two SARMs ultimately depends on your goals—whether it’s pushing your muscle-building potential to the max with YK-11 or achieving controlled, lean muscle growth with LGD-4033.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. The use of SARMs like YK-11 and LGD-4033 can come with health risks and legal implications. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any performance-enhancing substances.