Real People, Real Results: The Peak Body Transformation Journey

At Peak Body, we believe that everyone deserves to feel their best—both inside and out. Our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health and wellness journeys, and our products are designed to help you achieve lasting results.

Each of the stories you'll read on this page highlights the incredible transformations of real people who have used Peak Body’s products to unlock their potential. These are everyday individuals—busy professionals, parents, and fitness enthusiasts—who decided to take the first step toward a healthier, more energized life.

From increasing their strength and vitality to shedding unwanted weight, their results speak for themselves. Every journey is different, but what ties them all together is the commitment to making positive changes and trusting Peak Body to support them along the way.

Are you ready to be inspired? Explore the stories below and see how Peak Body has helped transform lives—one success story at a time.


* Some names may be changed for privacy.

From this..
.. to this in 3 MONTHS!

Client Success Story: Achieving a New Chapter with Peak Body

Meet Andy, a busy professional from Brighton who struggled with his weight for years. Between balancing long work hours and family life, Andy found it challenging to make time for his family, himself and his health.

With the onset of Type 2 diabetes and his increasing  weight  affecting his energy levels and confidence, he knew it was time for a change.

"I wanted to feel good again—to wake up with energy and not feel out of breath after small tasks," Andy said. "But every time I tried to lose weight, it just felt like an impossible battle."

That’s when Andy discovered Peak Body and their products, designed to help with fat loss and muscle retention. Though he was initially sceptical about trying something new, the natural, scientific approach of Peak Body as a company to SARMs and their dedication and support to their customers caught his attention after seeing other success stories connected to Peak Body.

Andy decided to give it a go, adding Peak Body SARMs to his fitness journey.

Alongside healthy meal adjustments and increased physical activity, he saw progress—real, lasting progress. Over time,  literally 3 months, Andy’s dedication, combined with Peak Body’s trusted products, led to a noticeable transformation.

"The results were incredible. My energy levels skyrocketed, and the stubborn weight I had  struggled with for years finally started to melt away.

My diabetes completely reversed and my doctor took me off all of my medication  IN 3 MONTHS!

 I feel healthier, stronger, and more confident than I ever  have.”

Andy’s before and after photos tell the story, today Andy is a new person, not just physically but mentally, too.

From this..
.. to this in 10 MONTHS!

Client Success Story: A Fresh Start with Peak Body

Scot had always been an active person in his younger years, but as the demands of life took over, his health and fitness slowly took a backseat. Over time, the extra pounds crept on, and Scott found himself struggling with his weight, energy levels and overall well-being.

"I remember feeling constantly sluggish, and the idea of starting my fitness journey again just seemed too overwhelming," Scott shared. "It wasn't just about looking better; it was about feeling healthier and more in control of my body and my life. I have 3 young children and couldn’t run around and play with them. That was the day I realised things had to change. Suddenly I was over 25 stone and needed desperately to change my life.

After a recommendation from an existing Peak Body customer Scot decided to take a leap of faith  and try Peak Body’s products to kickstart his transformation. He wanted something that would give him that much-needed boost while also complementing his new approach to weight loss and exercise.

Within just a few months, the changes were undeniable. With a consistent routine and the support of Peak Body, Scott began shedding the weight that had seemed impossible to lose. His confidence soared, and the progress wasn’t just skin-deep—he felt revitalized and stronger than ever.

"My energy returned, and the weight started dropping off…..I LOST 10 STONE IN EXACTLY 10 MONTHS! I could see the difference in my health, and even more importantly, I felt it. The support from Peak Body products made the journey easier and kept me on track."

Looking at Scot's transformation, it’s clear that the journey was well worth it. His 'before' photo reflects the struggles he faced, but today, he is healthier, more vibrant, and truly enjoying the next chapter of his life.


Client Success Story: A New Outlook on Life with Peak Body

Simon, in his late 50s, had always led an active lifestyle, but with the pressure of a highly responsible job and commitments came the inevitable lack of focus on health and correct nutrition slowing him down.

The extra weight started creeping on, and it began to take a toll on his health and confidence.

"I remember looking in the mirror one day and just feeling disconnected from the person I saw," Simon said. "I knew something had to change, but I wasn't sure where to start." My mental heath started to suffer due to the stress at work.

Simons boss at work wholeheartedly supported him in his quest for a new healthier lifestyle and gave him some time off work to focus.

Determined to regain control, Simon sought out the support of Peak Body , trusting that they would provide the boost and support he needed to reinvigorate his fitness and lifestyle. Combined with a balanced eating plan and regular exercise, Simon began to see noticeable changes in a matter of months.

"The first thing I noticed was how much better I felt. My energy levels started to return, and I found myself more motivated to stick with my fitness plan. The results followed, and I couldn’t believe how much progress I had  made both mentally and physically."

Simon's  transformation is remarkable, as his 'before' and 'after' photos clearly show. The change wasn't just about losing weight—it was about reclaiming his vitality, his confidence and feeling stronger every day. His dedication, along with Peak Body’s products, helped him not only reshape his body but also shift his mindset.

"I feel like myself again. I’m more active, more confident, and ready to take on the world. Peak Body gave me the edge I needed to turn things around."

Simon back to work after just 4 MONTHS!

From this..
to this is SIX MONTHS!

Client Success Story: A Refined Approach to Health with Peak Body

Mark* has always been highly successful in his professional life, navigating a high-demand career and lifestyle that kept him constantly flying from country to country. Over 42 weeks of the year on the move.

With frequent business trips, social commitments, and little time for himself, Mark found that his focus on nutrition began to take a back seat.

"I was used to operating at full speed, but over time, I started feeling more fatigued and less satisfied with how I looked and felt," Mark shared. "Despite having access to the best resources, I needed something that fit my busy life and gave me tangible results."

After hearing about Peak Body’s products from a trusted friend, Mark decided it was time to prioritize his health and make a real change. What he wanted was something effective, reliable, and designed to help him get back on track—without compromising the lifestyle he was used to.

The answer for Mark was Peak Body Shake & Take. “ They are perfect for travelling and take with me now wherever I travel.”

In just SIX MONTHS, the results were clear. With a combination of focused training, better nutrition, and the help of Peak Body, Mark managed to turn his health around. His 'before' and 'after' photos tell the story of someone who regained control not just over his physique but his vitality as well.

"The changes were incredible. I have more energy to manage my career, my personal life, and everything in between. I could finally get back to feeling and looking my best, which had a huge impact on my confidence and focus."

Mark's journey is proof that no matter how busy life gets, with the right support and commitment, achieving your health goals is entirely possible. The shift wasn’t just in his body but in his approach to balance and well-being.

"I’m now more productive, more focused, and in the best shape I’ve been in years, I’m over 50 now. Peak Body played a key role in helping me achieve these results without sacrificing the quality of my life."


From this (in 2020)..

Carlo Citrone: Championing Peak Body to Victory

Carlo Citrone’s dedication to bodybuilding is more than a passion—it’s a legacy. As the son of renowned bodybuilder and Peak Body Nutrition founder John Citrone ( 9 x Mr Universe and most titled bodybuilder in history), Carlo grew up immersed in the world of fitness, learning the values of hard work and discipline from his father.


In  2023, Carlo proved that he was more than just carrying the family name—he carved out his own place in bodybuilding history by winning the NABBA Masters Over 55 World  Bodybuilding Championship competition in Piza, Italy at his very first attempt!

At 59 years old, Carlo’s journey to the stage was fuelled by a commitment to excellence and supported by Peak Body products, including SARMs, which helped him achieve the lean muscle mass and definition needed to compete and be victorious at the highest level.

"I’ve been around this industry my whole life, and even with all the knowledge I’ve gained, the science behind Peak Body’s products continues to impress me," Carlo shared.

Throughout his training, Carlo was focused, driven, and determined to give his best.

With the help of Peak Body SARMs, Carlo was able to preserve muscle mass while shedding fat—an essential factor in his preparation for the competition. The results were clear on stage, where his hard work paid off, and he claimed the top spot,

"The support from Peak Body’s range of products gave me the edge I needed to push beyond my limits," Carlo said. "It’s not just about winning; it’s about feeling stronger and healthier every day. I’ve never felt better."

“People assume I have a lifetime of training experience because of the incredible success of my father but it simply is not the case.

I only started to train seriously when I turned 52 years old!! Up until that point I hadn’t put a serious foot through the door of a gym since I was 19 years old… 32 years prior!!!

We can all achieve! It’s about focus, belief and of course the correct nutrition


Carlo’s win is not only a testament to his perseverance but also a proud moment for the Citrone family, reinforcing the values on which John Citrone built Peak Body Nutrition and its reputation for success, quality, science, and a commitment to helping not only athletes but ordinary everyday people achieve their best.


Before, After, and Forever..

It's not just the before and after that's important, it's what comes after the after. We're not here for the fads, we're here for the long term and we're here to help you on that journey.

From the highest levels of health and fitness...
.. and on for the rest of his entire life!

John Citrone: LONGEVITY

So, can a healthy exercise routine, a well-balanced eating plan, and the right supplements really make that much of a difference?

Let’s take a look at John Citrone—one of the most decorated bodybuilders in history. With an incredible 9 Mr. Universe titles and 6 World Championship titles, John’s name is synonymous with excellence in bodybuilding. Beyond these prestigious accolades, he holds countless other titles that would be too extensive to list here. His career is a testament to the power of consistency, discipline, and smart supplementation.

What’s even more impressive is that John Citrone isn’t just a story of past victories. At 81 years old, he remains the epitome of health and fitness. John still eats clean, works out every single day, and maintains the vibrant, strong physique that has been his hallmark throughout his life. He defies the conventional expectations of aging, showing that with the right lifestyle choices, you can continue to perform at your peak, no matter the number of candles on your birthday cake.

His success isn’t just about genetics or luck. It’s about living a lifestyle centered on disciplined exercise, sound nutrition, and the right supplementation, including the products he himself developed under Peak Body Nutrition. John’s approach has helped countless individuals transform their bodies and their health, proving that sustainable fitness is achievable at any age.

John’s life is proof that living healthy can lead to longevity, vitality, and continued success. His story is a powerful reminder that the choices you make today—whether in the gym, at the dinner table, or in your supplement routine—can shape the quality of your life for decades to come. As John often says, “A healthy life is a long life.”

So, if you’re wondering whether a healthy exercise plan, a balanced diet, and the right supplements can make a difference, John Citrone is living proof. His journey shows us that no matter your age or fitness level, you can live stronger, longer, and better when you take care of your body.